We recently celebrated my daughter’s first birthday, but if I take a moment and close my eyes, I can easily slip back in time to the weeks leading up to...
Category - Parenting & Relationships
New Mommy Files: Hello, Nice to Meet Me!
Recently I came across a quote about motherhood by an Indian guru who was apparently quite popular in the ’70s and ’80s (according to all-knowing...
Google Raised My Baby, Vol. 2: Childbirth
The experience of having a baby produces a lot of “firsts”: the first time you grow another human inside of you; the first time your side-body...
Google Raised My Baby
When you give birth to a baby, after you get your mind around WTF just happened to you physically, the mental WTF begins. There are so many questions when it...
Last-Minute Anti-Valentine’s Day Party
Being single, there are many times of the year I dread: New Year’s Eve, Sweetest Day (for those in the Midwest) and the worst of all–Valentines Day...
Get Heart Smart and Maintain a “Heart On”
Rumor has it that love makes people do crazy things. With all the hoopla and hype surrounding Valentine’s Day and our external relationships, I thought...
Say I Love You Without Saying a Word
I love you. Hearing those three little words can change your life. If they’re uttered by someone you love in return they can lead to commitment, marriage...
8 Tips to Bring Love Back to Life
Valentine’s Day is a holiday about love, which everyone loves; some of us love to hate it and there are those of us that genuinely love it. When...
Pampering, Unplugged
We each have ideas about how, given ample time and resources, we would indulge in a day of pampering. Some of us would spend a day at the spa, complete with...
Tales from the Technologically Impaired
I have a confession to make. For the last four months, I did not have a cell phone. And I liked it. Before you spit out your coffee in a sputtering, shuddering...